Horse Expert: Dr. Nick Crumpton
Illustrator: Lily Snowden-Fine
Published by Thames and Hudson, 2021
Third in the series, Why Can't Horses Burp? is fascinating. T and I both learned a fair amount about horses, from their evolution to how to groom one. The format invites the reader to explore the different topics at leisure - each two page spread begins with a short introduction that answers a question; inset text explains details in the illustration. Because the text is broken up into small servings, young (and old!) readers can easily digest a vast quantity of new information and come away with an appreciation for what they have learned, rather than feeling overwhelmed.
Particularly gratifying to observe were the multiple connections T drew to Why Can't Horses Burp? He was excited to see both Bucephalus and Seabiscuit appear in the "Can horses and humans be friends?" section after having read about Bucephalus in Who Was Alexander the Great? and seeing Who Was Seabiscuit? at our local bookshop. The section on ponies also offered a chance to discuss how he got nibbled by a pony at the petting zoo and if he would partake of the upcoming pony rides at his school. Ultimately, he did not, but he did get to hear about how one of the ponies pooped while his friend was sitting on it, so there was still pony excitement!
Why Can't Horses Burp? is a fascinating trove of information that T and I both enjoyed and recommend. T: "It is an awesome book!"
Other titles in the series:
Note: A review copy was provided for the purpose of an honest review. All thoughts are our own.
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