The Invisible Kingdom Trilogy Review

The Invisible Kingdom Trilogy

The Invisible Kingdom
The Kingdom Revealed
The Invincible Kingdom
By Rob Ryan
Published by Crocodile Books

Mom's Review

The Invisible Kingdom Trilogy is a contemporary fairytale that highlights the value of sacrifice, friendship, and persistence through three stories with an evil villain, a prince in peril, and a happy ending that following a heart stopping adventure.

When young prince John's father dies and John is thrust into the role of king, the pressure of palace life becomes too much to bear; he repeatedly sneaks out of the palace for a nightly walk through the capital. The power-hungry Prime Minister learns of the perambulations and restricts the prince to his bedroom, prompting the prince to flee for good. After experiencing homelessness, charity, entry-level employment, and love, his fulfilling existence is threatened by the Prime Minister who replaced him with a pliable imposter. The prince, with the support of his beloved, devises a creative plan to ensure his freedom.

Artfully and compellingly written, this trilogy captivated me so effectively I had to be called more than once before I looked up from the final book. The illustrations complement the text seamlessly to create a magical experience that drives home the importance of loved ones, finding fulfillment, and the reward of using one's gifts in service to others.

Ideal for middle grade readers. I cannot recommend the trilogy highly enough!
