Written by Aimée M. Bissonette
Illustrated by Nic Jones
Published by Albert Whitman, September, 2021
T is ready to head into the forest.
The Second Life of Trees explores how trees provide shelter and food at every stage of their lives from sapling through final decomposition. For people who traipse through the forest and observe downed trees, fungi, and fauna, this picture book is at once familiar and novel. We recognize the illustrations' content and learn the specific species and processes of growth/decomposition.
I like The Second Life of Trees in part because the content is just so cool! It's stunning to witness the plethora of life supported by trees when the tree stands and once it has fallen. The text is accessible for children of different ages, with a non-fiction narrative running along the tops of pages and smaller font captions elaborating. T wanted to read this twice back to back – first we read the narrative of forest events, then we read all the captions exploring fine details. Albert
Whitman suggests this for audiences up to age 8, but I think you could go past that no problem, especially if you have a kid interested in decomposition, forest ecology, or just simply the woods down at the end of her cul-de-sac. It would also be a spectacular addition to any forest school's library.
We are taking The Second Life of Trees on a hike to locate what is depicted.
Illustrated by Nic Jones
Published by Albert Whitman, September, 2021
T is ready to head into the forest.
The Second Life of Trees explores how trees provide shelter and food at every stage of their lives from sapling through final decomposition. For people who traipse through the forest and observe downed trees, fungi, and fauna, this picture book is at once familiar and novel. We recognize the illustrations' content and learn the specific species and processes of growth/decomposition.
I like The Second Life of Trees in part because the content is just so cool! It's stunning to witness the plethora of life supported by trees when the tree stands and once it has fallen. The text is accessible for children of different ages, with a non-fiction narrative running along the tops of pages and smaller font captions elaborating. T wanted to read this twice back to back – first we read the narrative of forest events, then we read all the captions exploring fine details. Albert
Whitman suggests this for audiences up to age 8, but I think you could go past that no problem, especially if you have a kid interested in decomposition, forest ecology, or just simply the woods down at the end of her cul-de-sac. It would also be a spectacular addition to any forest school's library.
We are taking The Second Life of Trees on a hike to locate what is depicted.
Note: A review copy was provided for the purpose of an honest review. All thoughts are our own.
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