Text by Mario Cuesta Hernando
Translation from the Spanish by Paul Kelly
Illustrations by Raquel Martin
Published by Prestel, 2021
The penguin-populated continent holds some special appeal for us. We've gone through several Antarctic phases over the past year and a half, so you could say we're something of Antarctica media connoisseurs. The newest book we're reading is Antarctica, and it is spectacular fun whenever we crack that spine (the book actually lies flat beautifully without having to break the spine – how awesome is that!?)
You might notice that I'm on a "personal connection with the content" kick lately. Antarctica fits right in. Far from a dry fact book, this oversized picture book invites the audience to accompany the narrator on a scientific expedition to the southernmost continent. Inset text on large two-page spreads reveals the ship, the land accommodations, the marine mammals, the penguin varieties, and on and on. "Absorbing" is the best descriptor for Antarctica as the large format allows the reader to almost fall into the picture, the language is accessible for any elementary schooler, and the "handwritten" inset captions provoke a feeling of intimacy with the note-taker.
Instructive and easy to get really into, Antarctica is a definite win for any polar collection.
Note: A review copy was provided for the purpose of an honest view, and upon request. All thoughts are our own.
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