I am Jax, Protector of the Ranch (A Dog's Day #1)
Written by Catherine StierIllustrated by Francesca Rosa
Published by Albert Whitman, April, 2020
I am becoming a fan of early chapter books. Early chapter books, in case the term is unfamiliar, are short chapter books that bridge the gap between leveled readers or picture books and the chapter books that you're likely more familiar with. Chapters are short, illustrations abundant. Fonts are large, stories high-interest. And language is accessible. Think of them as a stepping stone between Dr. Seuss and Beverly Cleary.
I am Jax is our most recent shared reading. We tend to divide the text as follows: T reads the chapter titles, first and final paragraphs, and onomatopoeia. I read the rest. Unless we're snacking while reading – then we each take a turn reading a few paragraphs while the other munches. Sour cream and onion chips are our snack of choice!
I am Jax is the exciting and informative story of a ranch dog's life, with the focus on the events of one day and night. It is educational and emotional, narrated by the dog in a style that suspends disbelief. Jax comments about how his instincts tell him to give a new lamb space and how he recognizes the scent of feline on the breeze, but cannot identify the animal. When that unknown feline finally appears, a tense fight ensues. The suspense was so great that T wanted to discontinue reading because the stakes were so high. "It was kinda scary," he says. Not to worry, though, no one is seriously injured. T and I both learned how a ranch dog is trained and what its duties are. I am Jax was fun and interesting. There are more books in this series, and T wants to read them. I am fully on board with that plan! Ava, you're up next!
A Dog's Day Series
1. I am Jax, Protector of the Ranch
2. I am Ava, Seeker in the Snow
3. I am Sammy, Trusted Guide
4. I am Bella, Star of the Show
5. I am Skye, Finder of the Lost
6. I am Tucker, Detection Expert
Note: A review copy was provided for an honest review.
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