The Scary Book
By Thierry Dedieu
Translated from the French
Published by Prestel, September 15, 2020
Son's Review
(Age: 5)
The Scary Book truly is scary. It has scary creatures and when you open their mouths, you could see inside. And they had scary things inside of them, even Little Red Riding Hood as a skeleton inside the big bad wolf.
Mom's Review
The name says it all, sort-of. Yes, the creatures all have very sharp teeth, but I didn't think this was actually frightening. More like cute and funny with a scary slant. Each two-page spread features one creature whose mouth you open via flap; you see the creature's teeth and whatever is inside that creature. Short sentences and few pages made this one that T memorized quickly and likes to now read to himself.
Bottom line: Fun for little ones who like scary stuff.
Note: A review copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.
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