The Acadia Files: Book Four, Spring Science
By Katie Coppens
Illustrated by Holly Hatam and Ana Ochoa
Published by Tilbury House Publishers, March 2020
Mom's Review
The Acadia Files is a series of four books, one for each season. Young Acadia explores the world around her, learning about each season. We've read only the final book, Spring Science, but T wants to read the others now. At times, the content is a bit above his level, but he asks questions about vocabulary, and I have the impression that he is learning a lot. I would suggest this series for lower grades. Spring Science has five short chapters, each followed by excerpts from her science notebook. Acadia stargazes with her mother, searches for vernal pools and frogs with her friends and her dad, finds signs of spring in her neighborhood, and celebrates Earth Day.
Spring Science is what an ideal STEAM book looks like: it's scientific exploration in an artistic format. Readers learn alongside Acadia. T got wrapped up in the story, but also absorbed a lot of information (as did I). T was less interested in her notebook, which includes notes about what she's learned, a list of new words, and questions she still has; but he did really like Acadia's questions.
Science and literature converge naturally in Spring Science; a fun and relatable story inspires readers to investigate their own world. We, for one, are jumping into a frog phase.
Son's Review
(Age: 5)
It's cool how you can see her notebook. I love it. It was the greatest book I've read in my entire life. I loved the pictures. I liked the way how the drawings were drawn. [I'm glad I know] that ticks can spread Lyme disease. Now I know the extra reason we try to keep ticks off us. My favorite part is the last question. ["What will I learn next?"] I'm curious about the inside of someone's body, like what it looks like inside of someone's body.
I would want to [be friends with Acadia and] look for frogs with her. You wanna know the other things I would wanna do with her? #1 is explore our backyard woods. #2 go to the beach and look for seashells. #3 go to a swimming pool and swim. And #4 go to school.
People can expect funny business, like where they're talking about ticks. It's kinda funny 'cuz it's kinda gross; they're like little vampires. In fact, they are vampires. Anything that sucks your blood is a vampire.
At the end of the book, it shows the other book. They look cool. I want to read them.
Note: A review copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.
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