Written by Christine Paxmann
Illustrated by Olaf Hajek
Translated from the German by Jane Michael
Expected US publication from Prestel: April 14, 2020
Mom's Review
Flower Power is an introduction to 17 plants and their history of healing. The art is incredible – I wish I could decorate my office with Hajek's unique paintings. Each full-page illustration features the plant whose surroundings evoke its history and inspire the imagination. While the art borders on the fantastical, the content is pure non-fiction. The informational text reads like a story, not an encyclopedia, but we came away with a wealth of knowledge. Flower Power is enchanting and fascinating and fun.
Also, the book smells good.
Budding botanists and curious kids alike can enjoy Flower Power (as can any adults who read along). I read it with T, and it is an oversize picture book, but I also suggest it for grade school children.
Son's Review
(Age: 5)
I liked it. I like knowing it teaches you about flower and it's called Flower Power.
Favorite flower:
The one that stops you from farting.
Favorite thing he learned:
That some flowers make you pee the bed, I mean wet the bed.
Note: A review copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.
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