Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this journey for the past two years! We have loved sharing so many amazing picture books with you. Last month, T turned 5. Already since January, we've noticed a shift in his attention and preferences, in the direction of chapter books. Between The Hobbit and Robin Hood with his dad, to Last Kids on Earth and Into the Land of the Unicorns with me, T has been enthralled by epic adventures. We still enjoy picture books, but the stories some contain are not meaty enough for his taste any longer (ciao, This Little Teletubby).
And so.
We are shifting toward chapter books. What you can expect in the future:
• seasonal picture books
• non-fiction picture books
• an increase in EZ readers
• an increase in early and middle grade chapter books
And I'll still post adult and YA reviews, blog tour stops, giveaways, and special events like March Book Madness.
We are not abandoning picture books, but you'll see a decrease in their coverage after March, with an increase in chapter books. I hope you continue to enjoy the books we feature!
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