Written by Didier Lévy
Illustrated by Serge Bloch
Published October 2019
Mom's Review:
We have read Herring Hotel many many times by now, and I am struggling to put my finger on what exactly I love about it so much – because I do love it. Perhaps it is the improbability of everything, combined with an air of realism. Maybe it is the novel Cinderella-take. Maybe it is the romanticism of it all. Maybe it's the simplicity and the happy ending. T also favors it, and it's nicely written for reading aloud. Lots of factors make for a book that sticks with me.
So here's the premise: A little old lady lives in a falling-down hotel with several other eccentric guests. She claims to be the deposed Queen of Kettlippia. Everyone thinks she is crazy except for the young son of the hoteliers, who befriends her and is ultimately invited to look upon her as a grandmother. When the Herring Hotel (it used to be the Sherrington, but it lost a few letters) is collapsing around everyone, a parade of vehicles arrives. It turns out that the little old lady is indeed a queen; her subjects have come to bring her home now that the invaders are finally gone. She returns to her kingdom, bringing all the hotel guests, the hotelier family, and even the hotel with her. The hotel is fully reconstructed beside the palace. Everyone is safe and secure, and all is well with the world.
I think I have a better handle on what it is I like so much about Herring Hotel:
The story evokes a visceral response. A fist pump and a, "YES!" when the crazy old lady turns out perfectly sane and all her stories are validated. A heart-warming satisfaction when the little boy's trust is proven well-placed. Herring Hotel is good. Quite, quite good.
Son's Review:
(Age: 4)
Mom: What would you think if you met Mrs. Kettle at the beginning of the story? And at the end?
Son: I would think she's a little bit crazy, but not too crazy...I don't think she's crazy any little bit.
Mom: What was your favorite part?
Son: When the hotel falls down and they fix it by moving the pieces to Kettlippia
Mom: Is there anything you wonder about?
Son: What I wonder about is why they invaded.
Mom: I wonder that too. I also wonder who invaded Kettlippia. I did like the book.
Son: I just like it!
Note: Thames and Hudson provided a review copy in exchange for an honest review.
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