That Night (A Nadira Holden Novel, Book 2)
By Azaaa Davis (website here)
Published April 23, 2019
Why I chose this book:
After This Time, I was eager to read the sequel. A review copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.
That Night picks up right after the end of This Time. Nadira is struggling to find her place as a demon hunter in the modern world where demon hunting is now illegal. She continues to compete with the succubus Roquelle for control of her body. Nadira is uncertain of her emotional relationship with the Demon Duke of New England, but enters into a mutually-useful business deal to help him gain control of Sulyden (the demon realm) and her gain complete control of herself (no more Roquelle-possessions). So, there's illicit demon hunting, otherworldly political intrigue, some questionable romance, and suspense. All good stuff. Oh, and the plot is exciting; Roquelle gives Nadira an ultimatum to find Roquelle's body within a few short weeks or be possessed by the succubus permanently. Like I said, all seductive bases for an urban fantasy.
What makes That Night compelling and ever so satisfying to read, however, is the character of Nadira Holden. More than anything, it is her personal struggles that make this book well worth reading. The twenty-something demon hunter who drowns her depression in alcohol while pining after a man she cannot have and questioning her choices embodies universal struggles of humanity. It's not the specifics, but the mindset, the setbacks, and the hard-won self-confidence that are relatable. Davis's treatment of Nadira's personal development, both positive and negative, reminds me a bit of Franzen's Patty Berglund in Freedom. Like in Franzen's novel, the storyline is fascinating, but it is the sometimes painful authentic humanity that makes That Night impossible to stop reading.
I can't get into too many specifics without spoilers, so I'll just wrap up and say that That Night is awesome awesome awesome, but I am also reminded of why I like to read old series from dead authors: I don't have to wait with baited breath for the next installment. Do we have a release date for book three yet, Ms. Davis?
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