Calling All Turtles Book Review

Book Review
Calling All Turtles
Written by Derek Harmening
Published by phoenix international publications, inc.

Why we chose this book:
A representative from PI Kids kindly included a review copy of this with other titles we had requested; she had serendipitously seen a previous post of T in TMNT gear with a TMNT book published by PI Kids.

Son's Review

Mom's Review
A very readable story with an easy-to-follow plot that can be enhanced with sound effects. T is just starting to read a few high frequency words, and the print, pacing, and topic of Calling All Turtles makes it easy and enjoyable to practice. He mentioned that his reaction to pressing the buttons while reading is mixed; he loves the story and the phone, but sometimes seems concerned that he has missed a button. T also integrates the T-Phone (T for turtles, not for his name) into play, especially when we are getting pizza since it has a pizza button! Perhaps thats a clue that we need to eat less pizza. Regardless of what food we are eating, you can be sure that T devours the fast-paced adventure featuring his favorite characters and some new games!


  1. Perfect for children who want a hands-on control of their book as well as sound effects for the child who learns by listening


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