From an Idea to Disney: How Imagination Built a World of Magic
Written by Lowey Bundy Sichol
Illustrated by C. S. Jennings
Published February 12, 2019
Why I chose this book:
When a review copy was offered by Media Masters Publicity in exchange for an honest review, I accepted because my childhood was filled with Disney and I was curious to learn more about the development of the brand.
Mom's Review
From an Idea to Disney is an introduction to Walter Disney and the Walt Disney Company. The first several chapters focus on the life of the man Disney, and the final chapters focus on the corporation. Interspersed are fun facts, quotes from Walt, and definitions of economic terms. It is the economic focus of the latter half of the book that sets it apart from other children's biographies. (I read a few different Walt Disney bios for kids when I was still grading book reports.)
In From an Idea to Disney, readers will learn about how the Disney brand expanded through the decades, from Mickey and Snow White to theme parks, the Mighty Ducks, and Animal Kingdom. Readers will also learn about how a company is organized, who a CEO is, and why Michael Eisner was eventually pushed to resign as CEO. Spoiler alert: he got too commercial-ly, which Roy E. Disney didn't like. One notable omission is the Walt Disney World minimum wage controversy, particularly because the aim of books in this series is to introduce children to entrepreneurs and business-building. It seems as though part of the Disney story is missing without addressing the compensation of cast members who make the brand a success. Despite that, I would recommend this bio to young readers who are interested in Walt Disney or have curiosity about businesses and entrepreneurship. The writing flows smoothly and is appropriate for children in grades 4-7, and the content is simultaneously informative and interesting.
And here's a tidbit. I always think of the movies from my childhood as Disney's Golden Era. Turns out I'm not far off - The Little Mermaid is considered the start of Disney's Renaissance. I'm gratified to know it.
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