Dream Flights on Arctic Nights
Written by Brooke Hartman
Illustrated by Evon Zerbetz
Published February 26, 2019
Why we chose this book:
We're always looking to expand our knowledge of animals and different corners of the globe! Alaska Northwest Books provided a review copy.
Mom's Review
Dream Flights on Arctic Nights is magical. The black pages lit by bright stars, white text, and vivid arctic animals evoke an atmosphere of mystery and fantasy. They are reminiscent of the moons and stars on a wizard's dark robe.
When a child (boy?) makes a bedtime wish to fly, a raven peeks in through the bedroom window and whisks him off on a starlit adventure. (I'm referring to the child as a boy, because T interpreted the child as male, but you could go either way.) Flying high, they visit a different animal or two on each page and swoop beneath the Northern Lights before heading back as dawn breaks. Readers will see the raven flying away with the tassel from the child's hat on the final page, leaving a feather on the pillow. The blanket under which the child is snuggled is now dotted with animal portraits. At the start of night, the blanket was merely blue.
From narwhals and snowy owls to caribou and puffins, the animals and the art are the reason to read this book. As I read, I felt that I was falling into the depths of a beautiful night filled with spectacular animals who greet me from the snow and glaciers. It certainly helps that the story is written in the first person, and that it would be a dream come true for me to see all of the animals up close. Some books I get more into than others when I'm reading to T. This is definitely one that I got really into.
Read it to feel enchanted and meet Arctic animals. I hope you love it as much as we do!
Son's Review
(Age: 4)
Mom: Do you think the boy was really flying or do you think it was all a dream?
Son: It was all a dream.
Mom: I saw the raven carrying something. Why do you think the raven took the string off the hat?
Son: I think the boy gave it to him.
Mom: Look - there are animals on the blanket at the, but no animals at the beginning...I wonder why the artist did that...
Son: Well, maybe just at the starting his blanket was all regular and the raven drew those little pictures on his blanket.
Favorite animal #2 |
Son: As a present.
Mom: Did you have a favorite animal?
Son: Um-hm. This one! (points to otters)
Mom: That's my favorite animal that I already knew, but I have a new favorite one. Do you have a favorite one that you just learned?
Son: This one [the wolverine] and this one [shrew].
Mom: Hey! We see a shrew at the EcoTarium! How did you feel reading this book?
Son: Happy!
Mom: Me too! What was the best part of Dream Flights?
Son: All of it!
Favorite animal #3 |
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