By Andrew Joyner
Published in 2018
Why we chose this book:
We first encountered this book at a Barnes and Noble storytime in January. T enjoyed it then, and we came across it again this month (Women's History Month). At the end of this story, the main character is shown marching in the Women's March. Our family will be participating in the March For Our Lives, so this has been a helpful tool in discussing political engagement with T.
Mom's Reveiw
A pink hat is propelled through a city until it is found by a girl who wears it in the Women's March.
The story is simple, focusing on the path of a pink hat through town: out a window, into a tree, through a park, and into a little girl's life. In the text, no mention of political activism is made. The little girl simply wears her new hat in many different situations. At the end, she wears it with many others adorned with similar hats; it is that final illustration that knowledgable readers will identify as the Women's March. We have been talking with T about the political system and how rules are made and changed. Seeing the little girl marching down the street with a crowd has hopefully helped him to conceptualize what he will be doing on Saturday.
We didn't review the book so much as talk about how it relates to us at this point in time. The conversation below took place after several readings of The Pink Hat this year, so he was already familiar with the storyline and its connection to our plans.
Son's Review
(age 3)
Before reading:
Mom: Why are we reading The Pink Hat right now?
Son: Because we are doing a march.
Mom: When are we marching?
Son: On Saturday.
Mom: And what does a march have to do with The Pink Hat?
Son: To show good rules.
Mom: Is there a march in The Pink Hat? Who marches?
Son: Yeah. The girl who wears the pink hat.
Mom: Are you excited to march? Do you remember why people march? Do they want to change something?
Son: Yeah...No....Rules!
Mom: How does marching change the rules?...Does it show someone you want rules changed?...Reeepreee..
Son: Presidents! Representatives! Representatives make laws!
After reading:
the last page
Mom: What are they all carrying?
Son: Signs. And the baby is carrying a sign too.
Mom: Do the signs have messages on them..Messages for whom?
Son: Yeah. The president
Mom: Did you like the book? Why?
Son: Yeah. Because we're going to do a march.
Mom: Who was your favorite the character?
Son: The baby who had the hat.
Mom: What did you learn from this book?
Son: That you should make good rules
Mom: When do you think it is a good time for reading this book?
Son: When you are doing a march.
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