Written and Illustrated by Gaia Cornwall
Published in 2017
Why we chose this book:
For 2018 March Book Madness! It is up against Radiant Child.
Mom's Review
With the loving support of his father, Jabari jumps off the high dive.
Although it has been decades since I first jumped from the high dive, I can still recall the feeling of fear that first summer. Jabari Jumps resonated with me and will likely do so with children facing not just their first dive, but other new experiences as well. The understanding, gentle encouragement, and loving reassurance provided by Jabari's father can be a reminder to parents of an ideal response. Jabari arrived to the pool confident, then shows signs of anxiousness. Although T did not pick up on Jabari's excuses for not jumping, older children may. When Jabari's father shares how he confronts fear, Jabari gains confidence to finally jump. Simple, meaningful, time well spent.
Son's Review
(age 3 years)
After reading:
Mom: Have you ever felt scared when you were going to try something new?
Son: At Franz Carl Weber, going down the big [tunnel] slide because it's so big.
Mom: And does anyone help you when you feel scared? How?
Son: Mommy and Daddy...saying, "It's okay."
Mom: Would you want to meet Jabari if he were real? What would you do?
Son: Yeah. Go swimming...go to Franz Carl Weber and go down the big slide?
Mom: Would you be scared?
Son: No because someone would be with me.
Mom: What if Jabari said he was scared?
Son: I'd tell him, "It's okay."
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