Written by Debbie Levy
Illustrated by Elizabeth Baddely
Published in 2016
Why we chose this book:
It is up against Dave the Potter: Artist, Poet, Slave in the 2018 March Book Madness.
Mom's Review
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's life is recounted.
As a girl, Ruth was encouraged to pursue her own education and interests; she fought against common prejudices and made her way into history on many counts. I Dissent combines a narrative, illustrations, and speech bubbles to convey Ruth's remarkable successes and contributions. Relatable, engaging, and informative.
I really, really liked it. For me. And for T. If your library has it, I'd recommend reading it.
Son's Review
(age 3 years)
There was a lot of discussion. Here is a bit of it.
While reading:
about discrimination
Mom: How would you feel if you were told no little boys allowed?
Son: Sad.
Mom: How do you think she felt when she saw a sign saying "No Jews allowed'? She's Jewish.
Son: Sad.
about Ruth's penmanship
Son: What does that mean?
Mom: Penmanship is writing your letters neatly. Does that answer your question?
Son: No it doesn't. Why does she do nice handwriting?
Mom: She could do all her letters. She could do them all nicely.
Son: Like 't'!
Son: When did she die?
Mom: She hasn't died yet. She's still alive. Let's see if there's a photo in the back...yep.
Son, pointing to each of several photos: Is that her?
Son, flipping to cover: And that's her too. She looks angry.
Mom: She was angry. She was angry because there were rules that were unfair.
about gender equality
Mom: What if someone told you that Mommy couldn't do something just because she's a woman? Is that fair?
Son: No. And what about me [doing a job]?
Mom: Well, you are three, so you are still too young. But when you are grown up you can do a job.
Mom: And what if someone said Daddy had to work and couldn't stay home to take care of you?
Son: I would feel sad...I like to play with Daddy.
repeatedly throughout
Son, pointing to Ruth's speech bubble: I dissent!
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