Written By Jonathan London
Illustrated by Matthew Trueman
Published in 2015
Why we chose this book:
Teddy was standing next to the animal shelf in the non-fiction area, asking for a spooky book. Just as I was about to say that this is not where to find spooky books, the gaping maw of the hippo caught his eye.
Mom and Son's Review
Some basic facts about hippos are narrated.
Hippos are Huge! introduces children to hippos with funny, realistic illustrations, tidbits of trivia (did you know that males shoot dung at each other?), and a hippo's daily routine. The first time we read it, I only read the narrative that follows a female hippo's day. T wanted to read it again immediately, so I next included the fine print trivia that accompanies each illustration. On almost every page T said, "Oh wooowww," and we discussed a few of the more surprising habits of the hippo. I knew hippos were extremely dangerous, but never realized that they can chomp a crocodile in half; T responded, "That's exciting! We don't like crocodiles." T is at the age where he wants to know everything, and this was a perfect hippo primer for him.
After reading it the third time:
Mom: What was your favorite thing you learned?
Son: I learned hippos are big.
Mom: Did you learn anything else?
Son: At the starting it was a little bit scary because hippos are big...I learned that you should stay away.
Mom: Why should you stay away?
Son: They can bite - a crocodile!
(The chomping of a crocodile was a major point of interest for us both.)
Mom: And what was your favorite part?
Son: I like that hippos have really big teeth.
Mom: Was there anything that you didn't like?
Son: I did not like that a kind of bird ate bugs out of the hippos ear because it is gross to eat out of someone's ear!
Later that night:
Son, to Dad: You should read that book, Daddy, when you're a little older.
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