Arthi's Bomma Book Review

Arthi's Bomma

Written by Mamta Nainy
Illustrated by Shruti Prabhu
Published by Yali Books

Mom's Review

Arthi's Bomma is about a little girl who is made to feel bad about a tradition enjoys; she ultimately comes to appreciate the tradition more deeply after questioning its value.

Arthi questions why her family continues to make bomma when "no one" wants the artisan-crafted dolls; she understands from speaking to everyone in the family business that each artist gains something, values something different as they pour a part of themselves into their art. While Arthi's Bomma is about a particular type of doll made in a particular region of India, Nainy's message applies to all artistic endeavors and prompts readers to ask themselves, "Why?" and dig until they get the answers they need.

A foreword explains the bommalu are specially displayed during the Hindu festivals of Navaratri and Sankaranti. Back matter includes a glossary and an in-depth explanation of bomma making and the growth of Kondapalli, the doll-making community.

I love Arthi's discovery of the value of art!
