Else B. in the Sea Book Review and GIVEAWAY

Else B. in the Sea: The Woman Who Painted the Wonders of the Deep
Written by Jeanne Walker Harvey
Illustrated by Melodie Stacey
Published by Cameron Kids (Abrams Kids)

Mom's Review
So cool! Else B. in the Sea is the true story of a woman who painted scientifically accurate images of deep sea life. By literally painting underwater (readers learn how she experimented before finding the best practice), she was able to give William Beebe, the scientist with whom she was working, a color palette to reference when he observed deep sea life. Readers follow the poetic story of  her experience working underwater and onshore to expand mankind's knowledge of the deep. Back matter elucidates the role she played in undersea exploration. 

Else B. is a beautifully illustrated and written biography. It is another example of the dynamic non-fiction available to children today (but I can't say I'm surprised, since we loved Jeanne Walker Harvey's Ablaze with Color). The captivating woman, the rich, colorful underseascapes, and the fascinating events narrated - not to mention the flowing narrative itself - make for a timeless picture book that will hold appeal for little ones and older children alike. 

Enter the giveaway for a chance to win a signed copy of Else B. in the Sea: The Woman Who Painted the Wonders of the Deep! Prizes include a class set of 30 books, swag like an Else Bostelman painting on a bookbag and notebook, stickers, and signed/customized bookplates.
Else B. in the Sea: Book Giveaway

Per FTC guidelines, I disclose partnership with The Children’s Book Review; this post is sponsored by The Children’s Book Review. All opinions expressed in this post are my own.
